HIV Cure With Medicinal synthetic Aluminum-magnesium silicate (Antivirt®)



Be Undefeated By HIV

Live A Healthy Life Once Again With Prof. Maduike's HIV Cure

Remain Undefeated

 This is a breakthrough, I am now negative again and my family has never been happier 

Julia Western

 I'm glad this worked for me, I have been searching for a cure ever since I discovered I was positive 

Amy Warmouth

 I am forever greatful to Prof. Maduike... I can see myself as being lucky or favoured 

Felix Borngreat Ekhueorohan

 I was tested to be positive 2016 and lost all hope. I almost ended my life because I could not bear the way people look at me knowing I was walking around with a virus. I am now negative and living a healthy life all thanks to this medicine 

James O. Chibeze

 It was the year 2016 when I discovered I was positive, I had no option but to search for a cure and I felt all hope was lost until I finally found a cure with Prof. Maduike. I had to go through a lot from my friends and relatives. Some where kind enough to stay but others gave me a distance. I started taking this medicine with faith and now I am cured and can now live my life, make new friends and start a healthy relationship. 

Ginalyn Polines

 I have always had my doubt in life, got the HIV virus from my girl friend, it made me doubt life even more because how could the love of my life turn out to be the end of my life but I'm grateful coz I am healed and she is on medication right now and getting better 

Dele Lawal

 Negative? Yes, I am negative... I became negative after the medication and I am still negative after 4 months. So, hell yeah the medicine works just as promised 

Brian C.

 Finally cured, all thanks to the MSAMS 

Ali Bhai

 HIV use to be incurable but now I am cured... From positive to negative. All thanks to this medicine 

Patricia A. Fredrick

 I feel great, its a miracle being able to live a healthy life 

David James

 The medicine works just as it should, cured me of HIV 

Daniel Amarquaye

 I am finally cured, Did several test and now I am negative 

Dante Agreda

 Es un nuevo comienzo para mí, el VIH es un virus muy malo. Ahora he aprendido mi lección. 

Michael G. Kopp

 I have never been this glad to have a burden off my chest, I was declared HIV positive and had no reason to live but now I am negative all thanks to this medicine. 

Hannah K

 Got a gift from this drug, I am cured and I never expected to be negative but here I am, cured from this deadly virus called HIV I Thank God for using the professor in my life 

Andrew G. Auxier

 Mein Name ist Keratin und ich bin froh zu sagen, dass ich vom HIV-Virus geheilt bin. Ich habe das Medikament 90 Tage lang genommen und bin auf eine richtige Diät gesetzt worden. Jetzt bin ich gesund und sammle meine ganze Kraft 

Kerstin Finkel
Berlin, Germany

 Luulen, että olen onnekas elossa ... En osaa sanoa paljon, mutta voin vain sanoa, että olen parantunut ja jos tiedät, että elät HIV: n kanssa, saat parempaa hoitoa I guess I am lucky to be alive... Can't say much but all I can say is I am cured and if you know you are living with HIV you better get cured 

Jaska Lepistö

 I couldn't have asked for more than this. 

Tobiah C
About & Abstract image
HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system, which is our body’s natural defense against illness. The drug was produced with Aluminum Silicate and Magnesium Silicate (Synthetic Aluminum-Magnesium Silicate) which was patented in August 2014 in Nigeria. The two minerals are already in use as medicines for the treatment of various animal and human diseases

Molecules of Aluminum-magnesium silicate (AMS) are made of Nanoparticles which have negative electrical charges on their surfaces and positive charges on their edges while HIV has positive electrical charges. Abnormal cells are negatively charged. AMS Nanoparticles, therefore, interfere with attachment of HIV to cells of its hosts by electrostatic bonds between their negatively charged surfaces and positive charges on the virus, thus inhibiting the viral replication and mopping out its particles.  The Nanoparticles also adsorb onto HIV-infected cells by the attraction between their positively charged edges and negative charges on the abnormal cells. Such cells are destroyed by the same mechanism AMS traditionally disintegrates drug-capsules. Antiretroviral effects of the Medicinal synthetic Aluminum-magnesium silicate (Antivirt®) on viral loads and CD4-lymphocytes counts. If a patient`s viral load reduced to zero, the treatment would continue for another 4 weeks. Results so far, show that mean CD4-lymphocytes counts of the patients reduced (P =0.008) initially, from 496.80±194.39 to 263.90±149.26 after 4 weeks and then improved (P=0.001), to 507.90±133.19, after 8 weeks. Also, their mean viral load increased (P=0.020) initially, from 1,820.30 ± 868.75 to 2,855.90±960.98 after 4 weeks and then reduced (P= 0.030) to 1,565.20±743.17, after 8 weeks. It has therefore been concluded that: by destroying HIV-infected cells to unmask “hidden infections”; by having access to all organs/tissues (as Nanoparticles); by continually mopping HIV out from organs/tissues; by enhancing effective treatment of secondary infections and by encouraging better immune response in  patients, the Antivirt® is a cure for HIV/AIDS
  • Umuahia - Ikot Ekpene Rd, Umudike, Nigeria

A recommended diet will be provided for patients with HIV.Read More

  • Category: Consultancy
  • Service Duration: 03:00 Hours
  • Address: Department of Veterinary Medicine, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike-Nigeria (Map)
  • Price:$460